Caring For Your Collectible Doll

Collectible dolls, they can be objects of dedication, emotional receptors, triggers of good memories, beautiful beauties that are worth seeing and can sometimes be sold for some money. But if it looks like a bugaboo from the last century, you don’t want to touch a dusty collectible doll with torn clothes.

You may have collected your Shiba plush, Chinese or Japanese doll collection at auction, or you may have fallen in love with Celeste for the first time. They all got dressed and walked the Internet. No matter what price you buy collectible dolls, once they are yours, you will take care of them.

To keep your favorite dolls in excellent condition, be sure to do the following:

Dust Them Regularly

You can use a small antistatic brush. Be sure to shake off the dust from its hair. But don’t force it. Dust will only accumulate on the wig, if it is not treated immediately, it may cause bad hair! In the case of a stuffed animal or toy, you just need to clean the dust thoroughly and smoothly. Don’t do it with force or it will break your collection.

Store In A Temperature-Controlled Room

It is best to store your shiba plush and collectible doll in a room where you are willing to spend most of your time. The attic and basement are affected by extreme heat and cold. These drastic changes in temperature can damage the materials used in your collection.

Store in a room that is not humid and easily damp.

Moisture can cause mold to grow. Once mold invades your collections, it can be difficult to remove them.

Limit The Number Of Hands That Touch

Of course, you want your child to handle the doll. However, if your collectible dolls are adorned with delicate lace and ornaments, they can be hit if they fall into the hands of a random person. Your child may know how to treat him with care, but when he has friends or pets who decide to use your collection as their toys, this might cause danger and you don’t want that.

Use Acid-Free Filing Boxes For Storage

Modern technology helps in many ways. You can use them to store paper records, important documents, and family photos. Why not use them to store collectible dolls that you don’t want to display right now? You can also go through your collection, placing some dolls in these types of storage boxes, while the rest will be shown off outside to the world. You might think that ordinary plastic boxes can achieve their purpose, but they can hold the least amount of water and can damage the objects in them.

If You Have Bisque Figures, Be Sure To Store Them Upside Down.

If they lie on their back, their heavy eyes can fall, breaking or even destroying their heads in the process. Remember, face-up, the eyes are broken; Get on your knees, they’re safe!

Just remember in your mind, prevention is the key to all disasters. This also applied to your collectibles. When you have shiba plush and you adore it so much, be sure to do the preventions above to avoid disaster in the next future.